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      The Dawn mission will study the asteroid Vesta and dwarf planet Ceres, which are celestial bodies believed to have been formed by the effect of gravity pulling together surrounding objects and gases, early in the history of the solar system. Data returned from the Dawn spacecraft could provide opportunities for significant breakthroughs in our knowledge of how the solar system formed.

What Is The Objective Of The Mission? 
        During the earliest epochs of our solar system, the materials in the solar nebula varied with their distance from the sun. As this distance increased, the temperature dropped, with terrestrial bodies forming closer to the sun, and icy bodies forming farther away. The Dawn mission will characterise the early solar system and the processes that dominated the formation of such bodies.


Why Vesta And Ceres?
         The asteroid Vesta and the dwarf planet Ceres have been selected because, while both have conditions and processes that were depicted early in the formation of the solar system, they developed into two different kind of bodies. Vesta is a dry, differentiated object with a surface that shows signs of resurfacing. It resembles the rocky bodies of the inner solar system, including Earth. Ceres, by contrast, has a primitive surface containing water-bearing minerals, and may  posses a weak atmosphere. By studying both these two distinct bodies the Dawn mission hopes to compare the different evolutionary path each took and also create an overall picture of the early solar system

Launch: September 27, 2007
Vesta Arrival :August 2011
Vesta Departure: May 2012
Ceres Arrival: February 2015
End Of Primary Mission: July 2015




     Angel Falls ranks among the most sought after amazing natural wonders of the world. In Pemon language, Angel Falls is called as "Kerepakupai meru" meaning "waterfall of the deepest place". Angel Falls used to be a holy site for the ancient Inca civilization and is still considered sacred by local Venezuelans.

What Is Unique About Angel Falls?
    Angel Falls has the world's highest uninterrupted waterfall at 979m (3,212 ft) with the tallest single drop in the world. At a high altitude like this, the water of the Falls gets vaporised by the strong wind and turns into mist, before reaching the ground. The base of the Falls joins the Kerep River. It further flows into the Chrurn River, which serves as a tributary of the Carrao River.

Where Is It Located?
       It is located in the Canaima National Park, in the Gran Sabana region of Boliver State, Venezuela. This region is also known as Guyana Highlands, which is one of the five tropical zones of Venezuela.


Who Discovered Angel Falls?
       The discovery of Angel Falls has many variations. Sir Walter Raleigh, a famed English writer and explorer is said to have mentioned about the Falls. In 1933, American aviator Jimmie Angel brought the discover into the world  when he flew over them and hence the Falls are named as Angel Falls, after him. However, the local Indians, the Permones, already knew it and called it 'Churun Meru'

What Makes Angel Falls A Favourite With Tourists Worldwide?
       Angel Falls is one among the top tourist attractions of Venezuela. But a trip of the Falls is an expensive ride. As the Falls are located in an isolated jungle region of Venezuela, a flight from the Venezuela capital Caracas takes off for the Canaima camp. Canaima camp is the starting point for river trips to the base of the Falls. June to December is the usual season for these river trips.

* At a hight of 2,937 feet, the Angel Falls asr 15 times higher than Niagara Falls which is only 167 feet tall.
* Vaccination against Yellow fever is a must for tourists visiting Angel Falls, as it is located in a tropical forest region.

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           Ozone depletion is slow, steady decline of the total volume of ozone in the Earth's stratosphere (ozone layer). Since 1970, due to varying seasonal changes, the rate of ozone depletion has been faster. This phenomenon is termed as Ozone Hole.

What Factors Cause Ozone Depletion?
      CFC's i.e. Chlorofluro carbons  and other harmful substances are responsible for the high rate of ozone depletion. The ozone layer prevents most harmful Ultra Violet (UV) rays from passing through the Earth's atmosphere. This has generated worldwide concern leading to banning the production of CFCs as well as any related ozone depleting chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride and trichloroethane. 

What Consequences Does It Have On The Life On Earth?
        Ozone depletion has many harmful effects on living beings. The direct exposure to the UV rays increases the risks of skin cancer, damage to plants, harm to flora and fauna in water bodies.

What Steps Are Being Taken At The World Forum?
       The Montreal Protocol on substances depleting the Ozone Layer is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production  of a number of substances believed to be responsible for ozone depletion. The treaty  was opened for signature on September 16th, 1987 and came into force on January 1, 1989. It is believed that if the international agreement retains, the ozone layer would recover by 2050. As the treaty was signed on 16th September, the United Nations General Assembly voted to designate this day as "The World Ozone Day", to commemorate the signing of the Montreal Protocol Treaty.

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What Is A Fjord?
        A Fjord(pronounced as 'fee-ord') is a long, deep glacial valley of seawater, usually narrow and steep-sided, extending below sea water level.

How Is It Formed?
       Flooding of glacial valley of seawater usually causes fjord. When a glacier cuts a U-shaped valley due to constant rubbing of the surrounding layer of rock by the sediments, Fjord is formed. The flooding creates a narrow deep lake that connects  to the sea. This further pushes down the water, which shallows down the fjord below sea level.

Where Are Fjords Usually Found?
       Fjords are usually located where some amount of glacial activity is extended to sea level. Norway is particularly known for its fjords and is one of the major tourist attractions. Besides, Greenland , Chile, New Zealand, the Arctic and parts of Alaska and Canada are also home to varying Fjords all over. 

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       You must have wondered what good a glass of protein shake or a protein breakfast can make to your body. Well, it proves to be vital to kick-start your day giving you that immediate boost.
       When we eat food, the digestive juices in our body start functioning. They break down the food into basic units called amino acids. These units are attached to one another in long chains. There are 20 different types of amino acids that can be combined to make a protein.

How Do Proteins Benefit Our Body?
      Proteins build up, maintain and replace the tissues in our body. Our muscles, organs, immune system are mostly made up of protein. Proteins help in making haemoglobin, a vital constituent of blood. It also helps in proper functioning of our heart. Proteins serve as structural components that give our body parts their shape. Proteins serve as structural components that give our body parts their shapes. They are essential for cell maintenance and repair.

What Foods Provide Us Proteins?
        Proteins are describe as diet proteins, complete proteins or incomplete proteins. A balanced diet supplies all the protein we need. Meat, eggs and diary products are excellent sources of complete protein. We also get protein from a variety of grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

How Much Should Be Our Daily Intake Of Proteins?
       Kids should have about 35 grams of protein everyday while adults need approximately 60 grams of proteins per day...

How Do We Know If We Are Getting Enough Proteins? 
         Lack of sufficient protein leads to cellular imbalance. This directly affects the growth, maintenance and specific functions of the body. Proteins deficiency leads to various degrees of growth retardation among children.


How Does A Chameleon Change Colour?
         The chameleon is constantly changing its colour. Camouflaging is a process which allows a certain creature or element to blend in with the surroundings. Contrary to popular belief, this change of colour is not only an adaptation to the surroundings but also an expression of the physical and psychological condition of the lizard. The skin colour also pays an important part in communication and rivalry fights.

How Does A Chameleon Change Colour?
        Chameleons have specialised cells that lie in two layers under its transport outer skin. The cells in the upper layer, which are called chromatophores, contain yellow and red pigments. Below these chromatophores is another cell layer. Cells of the layer are called guanophores and they contain the colourless crystalline substance "guanin". These guanophores reflect amongst others the blue part of incident light.  If the upper  layer of chromatophores is yellow, the reflected light becomes green (blue +yellow). A layer of dark melanin containing melanophores is situated even deeper under this blue and white light reflecting guanophores. These melanophores influence the lightness of the reflected light. The approximate time for a colour change is about 20 seconds.

Why Does This Happen?
         Chromatophores change because they get a message from the brain. The message tells the cells to enlarge or to shrink. These actions cause cell pigments to mix- just like paint. A chemical called melanin also helps chameleons turn colour. Melanin fibres can spread like spider webs through layers of pigment.

What Factors Influence These Colour Changes?
        Chameleons change colour to blend in with their surroundings besides helping them to communicate better among their species.
LIGHT:- Say when a brown chameleon decides to rest in the sun, its brain will send a message to tell the yellow cells to enlarge than the blue cells. This combination of shades turns the chameleon green. This lighter colour helps the skin reflect bright sunlight.
TEMPERATURE:- Suppose if a chameleon is cold, it might turn a darker colour. Because, dark colour absorb more heat than light ones. Thus it can survive in cold conditions with its sweater shield.
MOOD:- Varying moods cause most changes in a chameleon. E.g if a panther chameleon gets angry, red and yellow replace its normal colours. A chemical called melanin  rises toward the skin's surface, causing areas of the skin to darken.
        Thus a chameleon can easily blend in its surroundings with its very own nature given its power of colours!

      Blushing is a nervous reaction that triggers tiny blood vessels in your skin to widen. This allows more blood to flow to your skin and creates that reddening effect that you seem to know all too well. Blushing just happens to be your way of reacting to a particular situation. Some people may not visibly blush, but react differently e.g. tapping fingers or clearing throat. Whatever the reasons, everybody does go pink in the cheeks!:D

       The outer layer of the skin has special cells, which produce a pigment called melanin. The amount of melanin in the skin determines whether one is light or dark. Another pigment, carotene, found in the inner layer of skin determines how yellow one's skin tone is. People with lighter complexion have just a little melanin while the on's with a darker skin tone, have more melanin. The genes one inherits, determines the amount of these pigments in the skin.

      Eating can stimulate the automatic nervous system to release the compound named Acetylcholine, which prompts increased production of saliva, stomach acid and mucus. The spicier the meal, the greater the reaction.

        Human body consists of 60 per cent of water. This water is not like ordinary water as it contains specific substances, which are vital to our body. The water acts as a conductor of heat and also helps cleaning the body from inside. It washes out the toxins (harmful substances) from the body and regulates blood circulation. Whatever  losses occur during this process are made up by food and liquid intakes.    

HEREDANCING ICE (Experiment Yourself)

Things you will need:

  • A tall glass or plastic container.
  • Some vegetable oil.
  • Ice (try making ice cubes with coloured water using food colour so that it is clearly visible)  
      1) Fill the glass with oil.
      2) Drop a back of ice into the glass.
      3) The ice should float in the middle of the oil. Watch the ice as it melts.

What Happens?
        You will find drops formed on the oil. As the drops form and fall, the ice will  rock from side to side and move up and down.

Why Does This Happen?
         Both the ice and oil have almost the same density. Therefore, the block of ice dropped into oil will barely move. But as the water melts, it turns into denser , liquid water. The water tends to stick to the ice for a while before it drops off. When there is enough water on the ice, the ice sinks due to the density  of water. Once the drops of water on the ice fall off, the ice floats up again. This sinking and floating movement appears as if the ice block is actually dancing!



             The Sarus Crane is an all- year resident breeding bird found in freshwater marshes and plains of northern Pakistan, India, Nepal, Southeast Asia and Queensland, Australia. It is the world's tallest flying bird.

Physical Appearance:-
      It has long red legs. Its head and upper neck are also red in colour. It is highlighted with a white crown, which is covered with green skin. It has a dark long pointed bill. Black hair- like bristles cover the upper throat  and neck. They have grey feathers over the ears. Females are shorter than the males.

          The Sarus crane is the tallest crane species standing at six feet tall, with a wingspan of eight feet. It weighs around 7.3 kg and stands as tall as a man. The lifespan of Sarus Crane exceeds up to 15-20 years in the wild and for 40 years in captivity.


        Sarus Crane prefers wetlands, cultivated fields to live. Their optimal habitat includes a combination of small seasonal marshes, floodplains, high altitude wetlands, human- altered ponds, fallow and cultivated lands, and rice paddies.
        They are omnivorous, eating insects, aquatic plants and animals, crustaceans, seeds and berries, small vertebrates, and invertebrates. These birds are usually seen in small groups of 2-5 and they forage while walking in shallow water or in fields, sometimes probing with their long bills.

Declining Numbers:-
           The total population of Sarus Crane approximately lies between 13,500 to 15,500. Loss of wetland areas, egg damage by the humans and heavy use of pesticides had seriously declined the population of Sarus Crane.

Presence In India:-
         Sarus Crane is found across the northern, central and north-eastern parts of India. You can spot them in Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary, Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, Madhav National Park, Kerala Bustard Snctuary and Bhindawas Bird Sanctuary.

                                  Hope you like it..:)


A large number of people all over the world enjoy bird watching or birding. There are over 100,000 species of birds found all over the world. birds are colorful, lively, interesting to listen to and relatively easy to attract to our gardens. Bird  watching does not require a lot of equipments - just a good pair of binoculars and a field guide that will help identify the bird.. 
Getting Started:-
         The best way to start is to go with someone who has been birding for a while. If you don't have friends who do so, try finding a local birding club. Many good bookshops have a selection of books, magazines and tapes on bird watching. Learn to indentify common local species using your field guide. Consider putting a bird feeder and/or bird attracting native plants around your home. Because different birds live in different habitats, try to visit as many different habitat types as you possibly can.

Choosing A Bird Guide:-
      A good bird has clear, easy to recognize colour illustrations. The guide includes includes information about habitats, maps showing range of different birds, if, where and when they migrate and what their song or call sounds like.The better guides show seasonal colour changes, similar appearing species, and provides information on how to tell them apart. These guides also give information about  the various birding sites.

Better Safe Than Sorry:-
      Bird watching can be a fascinating and rewarding way to spend your time, and following basic safety tips can enhance your bird watching experiences..:- 
*  Watch for Wildlife: Many bird watching sites are also home to large animals. So make sure you do not turn over large rocks, or stick your hands or feet into rock formations, tree logs, brush, or other enclosed areas since scorpion bites and snake bites can be lethal.
*  Sinking Land: Marshes and wetlands are not solid ground. Use a walking stick to check the soil conditions before walking or setting up your tripod, tent, or other equipment.
*  First Aid: Take food, water, a first- aid kit, and extra layers of clothing..

Birding Ethics:-
  • Be Quiet, avoid harassment ;don't disturb the birds.
  • Be extra careful during the breeding season of the birds.
  • Do not handle eggs or young or stay too long at nests.
  • Don't use bird call audio tapes to attract birds, unless very necessary for some research.
  • Follow all rules of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.
  • Divide larger groups of people into smaller more manageable numbers.
  • Leave no liter or trash, carry it back with you.
  • Use flash sparingly when photographing birds.
  • Be aware of others in your group and how your actions affect their enjoyment..
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         Body odour is the smell of sweat and bacteria that grow on the body and it can be influenced by various factors like gender, diet, health, genes and medication amongst  others. Instead of running after expensive deodorants and perfumes which may harm your skin, one should try out natural remedies to get rid of the problem of bad body odour. If your body sweats a lot leading to foul smell, one can try natural means to reduce the amount of sweat. 

How To Fight Body Odour?
     This can be done by avoiding the use of synthetic and tight- fitting clothes along with avoiding the intake of hot drinks like tea and coffee. In addition, one should regularly cleanse oneself with medicated cleansers to get rid of body odour. Moreover, it has been found that adding a tablespoon of honey to lukewarm water after bath can help in keeping body odour in check. Similarly, adding a teaspoon of alum to the bath water can help one smell fresh throughout the day. To naturally cure the problem of body odour and perspiration, one should regularly drink a cup of tomato juice for one week. In addition, soaking cotton wool pads in baking soda and powdering one's underarms with it can help reduce odour  associated with underarms. This is because baking soda helps in absorbing chemicals which might be causing body odour. In summers, special care needs to be taken due to excessive sweating. It has been found that adding a full cup of vinegar to one's bath water can help in fighting sweat related odour during summers. Smelling good and feeling fresh are essential requirements to lead a healthy life.


Shaving Makes Hair Grow Back Darker And Thicker..
        Not true! Stubble only appears thicker until it grows out a little, and then tapers a bit. As for the colour,  it's the sun and chemicals that lighten up, so your little sprouts are just your natural colour, nothing darker. 

Reading In Dim Light Ruins Your Eyesight..
       The answer is not true! Reading in low dim light will not change the health or function of our eyes. If it were true then prior to Thomas Edison's discovery of the electric light bulb, majority of the people living in the past would have lost their eyesight due to writing or reading under the shade of dim light candles. But yes, reading in dim can lead to temporary eyestrain. Therefore, it is recommended that you read under proper lighting..

We Use Only 10% Of Our Brains...
      While it's so tempting to use this as an excuse for the silly behavior your friend does, this is  an other myth that is not true. In actuality, brain imaging studies show that no area of the brain is completely silent or unused..

      Watermelon is not only delicious, but extremely healthy, as well. Watermelons are a great snack for both children and adults, for the reason that they contain practically no fat. Watermelons are in nature an excellent source of vitamins A,C and B6. They are also a great source of potassium, and extremely low in sodium. In fact there is evidence that watermelons were grown by the ancient Egyptians. It was founded in 4000 B.C. and is still a universal fruit that continues to be a favourite of many.
         Watermelon has a higher water content and lower calorie content than many other fruits. A whole cup of watermelon contains only 48 calories, but it delivers more nutrients per calorie! Researchers believe that beta-carotene and vitamin C that are present in Watermelons are capable of preventing heart disease, cancer, and other chronic conditions. Watermelon is also a valuable source of lycopene which has been extensively studied for its antioxidant and cancer- preventing properties which can fight diseases like prostrate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer.
          So whether you choose watermelons for their health benefits or simply for their good taste, they can be an excellent snack, summer dish or gardening project...
                              I LOVE WATERMELONS...!! WHAT ABOUT YOU?:D




The Sun's surface is a warm 
degrees Celsius. The center of 
the earth is  
estimated to be about the same 
 as this solar surface. In the 
corona, or outer 
atmosphere, which is usually 
invisible and            
 extends  millions of miles into  
space, the
atoms become so active that the 
jumps again to about a million  


So  as you travel away from the Sun's surface,
the atmosphere heats up to millions 
of degrees.
Scientists are not sure how the atmosphere
can be as hot as it is,with such a cool surface.
And did you know that the sun is actually about 
5 million kilometers closer to the earth in
in January than it is in July. So just 
feel the heat!        



        The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is a nearby satellite galaxy of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. At a distance of slightly less than 160,000 light years, the LMC is the third closest galaxy to the Milky Way. It is visible as a faint 'cloud' in the night sky of the southern hemisphere,raging in the border between the constellations of Dorado and Mensa..

The Discovery:-
      The first recorded mention of the Large Magellanic Cloud was by the Persian astronomer,  
Abd Al-Rahman Al Sufi, in his Book of Fixed Stars around 964 AD. The next recorded observation was in 1503-05 by Amerigo Vespucci, Discoverer of America in a letter about this third voyage. But it was Fernao de Magalhaes, who was the first to bring the LMC into common knowledge in 1519. The galaxy now bears his name..

What Makes It Unique?
          The LMC is full of a wide range of galactic objects and phenomena that make it aptly known as an "astronomical treasure-house, a great celestial laboratory for the study of the growth and evolution of the stars". Surveys of the galaxy have found roughly 60 globular clusters, 400 planetary nebulae and 700 open clusters, along with hundreds of thousands of giant and super giant stars. It is home to the Tarantula Nebula, the most active star-forming region.
       It has a mass equivalent to approximately 10 billion times the mass of our Sun, making it roughly 1/10th as massive as the Milky Way. Like many irregular galaxies, the lmc is rich in gas and dust.

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          The Kepler Mission is a space photometer being developed by NASA to search for Earth-like planets orbiting other stars. It will observe the brightness over 100,000 stars over 3.5 years. The Kepler Mission will,for the first time,enable humans to search our galaxy for Earth size or even smaller planets.

     The scientific objective of the Kepler Mission is to explore the structure and diversity of planetary systems and determine how many terrestrial and larger planets are there in or near the habitable zone of  a wide variety of spectral types of stars. It will also determine the range of orbit size, brightness, size, mass and density of short period giant planets, while determining the properties of those stars that harbour planetary systems. Data from the mission will be used for studying variable stars of various types and performing asteroseismology, particularly on stars showing solar-like oscillations.

How Will Kepler Do It?
          Kepler will monitor more than 100,000 stars for signatures of planets of various sizes and orbital distances. It has the ability to locate rocky planets like Earth, including those that lie in a star's habitable zone," a region where liquid water, and perhaps life, could exist. If these Earth-size worlds do exist around stars like our sun, Kepler is expected to be the first to measure their frequency..



        As the name suggests, the Dead Sea lacks life due to an extremely high content of salts and minerals. But what is amazing is that these salts and minerals due to their creative and medicinal qualities have proved beneficial for humans.

Early Traces:-
      The Dead Sea has a historical and spiritual legacy of its own. It is believed to be the site of five biblical cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zebouin and Zoar. The recognition of its many curative powers dates back to the days of Herod the Great, Jesus and Cleopatra queen of ancient Egypt are closely linked to many legends related to the beautifying threats of the Dead Sea.

Geographical Location:-
      The Dead Sea is situated on the heart of the Great Syrian-African rift valley that stretches throughout Isreal and beyond (Jordan). It is nearly 1,378 ft below sea level with shores having the lowest point on the earth's surface. The Dead Sea is 1,247 ft deep and is known to be the deepest hyper saline lake in the world.

Uniquely Saline:-
     Due to high amount of salinity, you can float in the dead sea without even trying. This makes swimming here a unique experience. It's the only place in the world where we can recline on the water's surface. On the contrary, the high amount of salinity does not allow fish and other marine life to survive...

                                                       DEAD SEA MINERAL MUD
Mineral Contents:-
      The water of the Dead Sea consists of nearly 35 types of minerals like Manganese, Calcium, Potassium, Bromine, Sulphur, Lodine etc. They are known for relieving pains of joins, curing of illness like eczema, psoriasis, headache besides nourishing the skin. The contents of the sea used as bath salts and cosmetic products have a commercial value in the global market..

Facts Of The Dead Sea:-
1)The salinity level of the lake is approximately 33.7 per cent i.e. four times of most world's oceans.
 2) The town of Jericho, Isreal, which is based north of the Dead Sea is the oldest continuous known human city occupied till today..
3) The Dead Sea is the only place on earth where one can sunbathe for hours without the fear of sunburns as harmful UV rays are filtered through three natural layers: an extra atmospheric layer, an evaporation layer that exists above the Dead Sea and a rather thick ozone layer.
4) The Dead Sea has approximately 8 per cent more oxygen than anywhere on the earth, making breathing easier..